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Jane & Harriet 
Job-hunting after an extended career break can knock the stuffing out of even the most self-assured HR professional. 
Many would-be returnees convince themselves that the long period away has somehow magically erased their skills. 
“I’m so out of touch. I’ll never understand all the new systems. I’ll have to work 6 days a week just to catch up and to stay on top of things. Maybe I should accept a lower salary…or take a junior role…I’ll be happy just to make the coffee or something…but what if it’s some new-fangled coffee machine that I can’t work? Argh, I’m going to make a fool of myself!” 
Feeling nervous is understandable. 
But don’t let your fears go into overdrive. They’ll hold you back and make you seriously undervalue yourself. 
Adjusting your mindset and adopting some simple strategies can drastically alter the way you view your abilities and supercharge your confidence. 
What does confidence look like for you? Think back to a time when you felt really confident. 
What did it feel like? What did it smell like? What were you wearing? 
Think about your body language – how were you moving and holding yourself? 
Be really clear about that memory. 
Then bring it to mind and use it as a boost whenever you’re feeling less self-assured. 
Apply your life skills to the work place. Recognise what you’ve learnt during your time out. 
If you’ve been raising children, you’ll surely be a master at organisation, stress management and leading a team. 
Not to mention negotiating with hostages. 
You’ll have dealt with untold challenges. List them, identify the skills you utilised and articulate them for potential employers. 
Your experience counts – no matter how long ago it was. The chances are you’ve spent more of your life in work than out of it. 
The passing of time doesn’t negate the knowledge and expertise you’ve built up during your career. 
Ok, you might need to refresh your IT skills and get your head around AI. 
But people skills and managing relationships are the backbone of the majority of professions, particularly HR. 
Trust that once you get back into gear, it will all come flooding back. 
Tell people how you’re feeling. If this is your first time back at work after having a family, you could be experiencing a whole host of emotions. 
Many people remember being particularly tearful when their maternity leave ended. Feeling bad about leaving your baby and guilty for daring to be excited about returning to work. 
Being open with your boss and colleagues can really help. 
Your emotions have a huge impact on your performance so it’s important to be honest if you’re struggling. 
It’ll take time to adjust and that’s ok. 
Getting back in the employment saddle can seem like a big step. But don’t work yourself up into believing it’s a giant leap. 
Seek support. 
Be kind to yourself. 
Recognise that on the other side of fear is success. Embrace the apprehension and tackle it. 
Above all, remember: you were successful before and you can be again. You’re just picking up where you left off. 
Author - Anon 
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